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Selamat Datang di Blog Alumni RTD :) Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Malang Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Tanjung Uban

Blog ini didedikasikan untuk para pelatih RTD : Mas Joe, Mas Mardi, Mas Halim, Mas Sugiarto, Mas Ita Warsita Brata, Mas Jeffri, Mbak Riri, Mbak Nia

dan rekan-rekan pelatih RTD Malang yang tidak dapat Saya sebutkan satu persatu dan Guru Besar RTD Kang Aas Rukasah

Selama masa pencarian 12 tahun lebih (1996) sampai blog ini dilahirkan, belum ada satupun informasi mengenai RTD secara komprehensif tampil di Internet:) Inilah yang mendasari kami membuat blog ini.


Teguh Iman Santoso


Welcome to Blog Alumni RTD:) Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Malang Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Tanjung Uban

This Blog is dedicated to our RTD Trainer's/Teacher's : Mr. Joe, Mr. Mardi ,Mr. Halim, Mr. Sugiarto, Mr. Ita Warsita Brata,Mr. Jeffri ,Mrs. Riri, Mrs. Nia

And All RTD teacher's in Malang which can not be stated one by one and To Our Honourable RTD Grand Master Kang Aas Rukasah

During a period of seeking 12 year more (1996) till this blog borne, there is no any one information hits RTD in comprehensive come up on the Internet:) This constitute us make this blog.


Teguh Iman Santoso

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Thursday 29 May 2008

Overview History Of Development of Inner Power Radiation

Overview History of Inner Power Radiation

History Sheet Yayasan Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam (RTD) starting from big enthusiasm some student people Machinery Engineering ITB to its inner power and details in 1987. In this group of inner power discussion. Rd Aas Rukasa and its closed friend likes gather. With background of hobby equality and perception, they start discussion, dig and searching literature reference about innerpower from various of sources. As basic knowledge it’s starting point for theory compilation, medication and recognition of metaphysics nature.

Unique Activity this inner power still going on until 1989. Even their hobby catching to some course friends Aas in majors Machinery Engineering ITB. In this year, process of science of dig many are conducted in house one of the group member.

At a period of this meditation practices, clairvoyance, medication and recognition of metaphysics nature are growing setled and added analysis jurus, application in medicine and perform comparison with other jurus-jurus. From this discussion process name Radiasi Tenaga Dalam.

In 1990, this group starts change, some people go and others merge into this inner power group. Under head and supervise of Aas, noted there is 18 one whos start perform practice regularly in area kanayakan and jatihandap. Practice has used specific jurus Inner power raddiation that created by Rd. Aas Rukasa. Curriculum RTD has been compiled and jurus-jurus that has been created start setled. Although has not yet been organized properly, practice activity walks enough arranged with quite heavy portion. No wonder if this group have stock quite matured knowledge and become cikal will RTD first coach Later. To go to a school of inner power that opened generically, performed concentration of coach practice that followed by 10 people of group member.

From this sufficient result of science dig process, finally they intend to found a School inner power by using concept that got during their discussion journey. A value more that offered is Inner Power poured in erudite language that empiric and rational. Rd Aas Rukasa that considered as one who have highest knowledge , become Grand Master RTD. He is who designed all juruses base research that the of.

At next step to the input from a lecturer ITB that is old fellow from one of group member and a notaries from figure wanadri Bandung, Mr. Sabar Partakoesoema, then founded institute Inner power raddiation (RTD) by the name of Yayasan Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam bases atc of notaries R.H.M Sabar Partakoesoema, Sh number 48 dates 30 Julies 1992. Those in noted as the founder body is Rd. Aas Rukasa, Ryzca Natasuwarna and Arswendi.

The day selected for established RTD are celebrated date 14 Julies 1993 with simple pengajian and invite some Schools inner power lainya that exist in Bandung in order to silaturahmi and look after cooperation with humanity School inner power.

Since then RTD many are recognized not only in just Bandung but to area West Java lainya. This because action RTD in the case of medication and enthusiasm big society by it self to exhalation gymnastic for health.

Accelerate growth RTD is growing felt quick and eethe with excitement. Along with that, RTD that in Bandung founds branch other RTD didaerah, for example : Banjar, Cijulang, and Malang, Coppenhagen (Dane), and branch that will : Jakarta, Damakus and Tanjung Uban .

For accerartion growth RTD, then conducted approach to IPSI in Bandung. On March in 1994 to the member a good turn RTD that is friend was Bapak Eddie M Nalapraya (Chief PB IPSI), in the reality RTD gets positive greeting on one's part IPSI, proven the of RTF cooperates to create gymnastic specific for older people in Indonesia and the invite of RTD as [the] observer at Munas IX IPSI that carried out on April 1994.

And proper prided upon are RTD borne from creative the rising generation community, till now RTD also has been led and managed by official member that its age young relative. Despite that spirit of familiarity and feel togetherness that has been planted at their soul. Though young their very to fill development Indonesia that we love.

RTD will expand continued, become very expect input and view from many parties. Hopefully covering ground RTD was that we had this always God Bless and guided God who is praised and most high. Amen !!!

Note: Overview this history is submitted intern member Tanjung Uban , Island Bintan