Selamat Datang - Welcome RTD's Alumni Blog

Selamat Datang di Blog Alumni RTD :) Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Malang Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Tanjung Uban

Blog ini didedikasikan untuk para pelatih RTD : Mas Joe, Mas Mardi, Mas Halim, Mas Sugiarto, Mas Ita Warsita Brata, Mas Jeffri, Mbak Riri, Mbak Nia

dan rekan-rekan pelatih RTD Malang yang tidak dapat Saya sebutkan satu persatu dan Guru Besar RTD Kang Aas Rukasah

Selama masa pencarian 12 tahun lebih (1996) sampai blog ini dilahirkan, belum ada satupun informasi mengenai RTD secara komprehensif tampil di Internet:) Inilah yang mendasari kami membuat blog ini.


Teguh Iman Santoso


Welcome to Blog Alumni RTD:) Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Malang Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Tanjung Uban

This Blog is dedicated to our RTD Trainer's/Teacher's : Mr. Joe, Mr. Mardi ,Mr. Halim, Mr. Sugiarto, Mr. Ita Warsita Brata,Mr. Jeffri ,Mrs. Riri, Mrs. Nia

And All RTD teacher's in Malang which can not be stated one by one and To Our Honourable RTD Grand Master Kang Aas Rukasah

During a period of seeking 12 year more (1996) till this blog borne, there is no any one information hits RTD in comprehensive come up on the Internet:) This constitute us make this blog.


Teguh Iman Santoso

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Monday 9 June 2008

Differentiation of Aura

Resonancy Frequency


Every object in nature till smallest element will vibrate and have energy level tetaran all disc then energies that transmitted body will be bigger rtentu. Its tradition Consequence that vibration then will be transmitted radiation that have certain frequency (frequency natural) An object can meresonansi other object (stimulate other object) if have resonance frequency.

Begitupula with discs at human body, vibrant each of them with certain frequency can meresonansikan all disces at body. As a consequence if there is frequency that stimulate vibration [of] equality all disc then energies that transmitted body will be bigger and focus.

Everyone, with character that different each other, have excitement that different each other. In other word have "Frequency Natural Tubuh" that different each other. Excitement "Frequency Natural Tubuh" of intact character form from pertinent people, find persons involved spirit.

Excitement above generated with sound, vowel network and consonant certain, shock tertentu.Tetapi here we generate by dzikir certain. Under colour of idea that characteristics that either from human selalui follows divinity characteristics, only the difference that ALLAH Maha...(Certain characteristic) and human not.

Referred [as] is mention God name, one of range from to 99 Namas God (Asmaul Husna)