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Blog ini didedikasikan untuk para pelatih RTD : Mas Joe, Mas Mardi, Mas Halim, Mas Sugiarto, Mas Ita Warsita Brata, Mas Jeffri, Mbak Riri, Mbak Nia

dan rekan-rekan pelatih RTD Malang yang tidak dapat Saya sebutkan satu persatu dan Guru Besar RTD Kang Aas Rukasah

Selama masa pencarian 12 tahun lebih (1996) sampai blog ini dilahirkan, belum ada satupun informasi mengenai RTD secara komprehensif tampil di Internet:) Inilah yang mendasari kami membuat blog ini.


Teguh Iman Santoso


Welcome to Blog Alumni RTD:) Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Malang Lembaga Seni Pernafasan Radiasi Tenaga Dalam - Tanjung Uban

This Blog is dedicated to our RTD Trainer's/Teacher's : Mr. Joe, Mr. Mardi ,Mr. Halim, Mr. Sugiarto, Mr. Ita Warsita Brata,Mr. Jeffri ,Mrs. Riri, Mrs. Nia

And All RTD teacher's in Malang which can not be stated one by one and To Our Honourable RTD Grand Master Kang Aas Rukasah

During a period of seeking 12 year more (1996) till this blog borne, there is no any one information hits RTD in comprehensive come up on the Internet:) This constitute us make this blog.


Teguh Iman Santoso

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Thursday, 19 June 2008



“Anyone who its recitation to me causes he/she forgets request to me, I will give him/her a matter of bigger than something that Aku give to people that request to me.”

What is the meaning of Berzikir?

Recitate that not only, bertahmid, and bertahlil to Allah. Recitate that remember. There are some phase remembers, begin at mention (doctrine phase), call (need phase), present (amicable phase), till transient (being one with, phase in union). At transient phase, The most Dekatnya God not next argued. Relation/link with God already terkondisikan at system level permanent neural. Thus, bertahmid, and that bertahlil new is recitation of beginner phase (that is doctrine phase till need phase).

Remembered that that means me-recall a matter of at first known and recognized but oblivious. When kenalnya? That is when human accept delegation to become caliph on earth. “Alastu birobbikum”, isn't it true that this Aku your God? “Balaa, syahidna”, correctness, we take the stand, during human answer (Al A’raf 172).

Rabb that means Fasilitator, He not only haves, but also educate ([go] to maturity) and maintain. Robbil ‘alamin wants all natures, entered human, grow as well as possible as the same manner as its creation target. Question “Alastu birobikum. Isn't it true that Aku Fasilitatormu?” invite us to remember our whom, where from we come, and to what end us are presented on earth this. Recitation is tool for me-recall all of that, also remind us of our role as [the] its proxy in maintaining nature.

Recitation also haves meaning berkontemplasi. “In fact in creation sky and earth, and silih have the its change of night and noon existed marking to all ulul albab (people that brightened), (that is) people that remember God at the same time stands up, sit or lie down, and they think creation sky and earth (say): "Yes our God, tiadalah Engkau creates this fruitlessly. The most Holy Engkau, then us from hell torture”. (Ali Imran:190-192)

Recitate also conducted by nature, its target is to fulfill regularity. As part of nature, human even also recitate, but mount seluler and quantum. Human have not yet of course recitate mount cognate its. Why? Because |poison thus human forget.

Why Manusia Lupa?

Life indigenous to Singularitas, quantum vacuum that is source from everything. When human to degrade (read: borne) to earth, he/she enters in layers field consequence of gravitation influence that create time room. Layers field is referred [as] become hijab for human. This Hijab-hijab that make oblivious human of origami and witness “Balaa, syahidna” that ever the experience of. Thus, all spiritual journeys human can be told as [the] effort tread tilas its origami.

This Singularitas not contains movement, nothing time room, nothing east or west dimension. Nevertheless this Singularitas big its influence to fields that exist in bawahnya. When life enter cosmical field or field higgs, start there is time room, although speed not follows linear consistency. Dimension of slow at the present time room growing jells at field bioenergi, and become very dominant at kutub field or physical world. We can see existence of hijab between kutub field and prohibitive Singularitas for our eyesight.

Singularitas (universe raw material) Medan Kosmik (related to cosmical awareness) Medan Bioenergi (from etheric till spirit body) Medan Polaritas (from electromagnetic till etheric body) Area Source Meaning Image Form Relation/link with Ruang- Waktu Do not know time room. [the] past, present day, [the] future is a matter of absolute . A few/little till not influenced time room. Fast Consistency time loses. Change of time room growing not chronological, local characteristics more and more upwards more and more decrease, until motion of time room more and more diffuse Change of time room is felt as a/an that have the character of chronological. The bounds of Dimensi Do not know boundary, form, and structure The bounds of individu and between object (characteristic of lokalitas) luluh step by step till melt There is interconnection selectively between object according to image in qualitative The bounds of between object and individual clear Content Informasi Is information source and understanding absolute. Medan has the character of holografis, where one part loads entire information, overstep individual or local objek2 Every field layer load Informasi that each other interconnection with other field, so it's can each other represent Limited Information, certain frequency loads certain information Systematic way

Non systematic, non symbolic. Interpretation is opened. Symbolic and philosophic. Systematic way non linear, qualitative. Its systematic way linear and measured.

When human recitate, real his/her is uniting between its body –that recitate mount elementary with its mind. Federating between body and mind referred [as] will strengthen intensity of human awareness in accessing cosmical awareness. Cosmical Awareness this will send our memory at agreement with God in nature ruh.

Recitation Mengubah Takdir

We indigenous to the “Unseen world” as the same manner as dikisahkan above. Al holy starts faith discourse (belief) with suggestion to believe to that ghaib (the Unseen World). Strenghtened faith only can be conducted pass by recitation. Recitation the most effective is recitation that conducted mount Singularitas (transient), because recitation this setingkat have the power ofs full [of] for mereplikasi God characteristics (asthma’ul husna) to our local it-self. Recitation at this level produce self-empowerment that affect multidimensional. At daily file, we will feel benefit self-empowerment is referred [as] as the same manner as [the] following citation:

“Your belief act like filters di atas camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds.” (Bruce H. Lipton, the Biology of Belief, 2005, p.143)

Recitation and Identitas Diri

: “Yg what whose [in] sky and on earth?” : “God Property”. (Al An’am:12) “And whomever that deliver its face to Allah (recitation that reach steady state / Singularitas), he/she people yg do kindliness, then in fact he/she has stood upon urwah (buhul string) sturdy. And only to Allahlah outcome all business” (Luqman:22)

Urwah in common with history. Verse Luqman:22 signs that our identity or history will gain strength if we become one who ‘God oriented’ (because deliver face to Allah), and reside in in God. Nothing something but Allah. Everything mewujud to the God permit.

Recitation Memfasilitasi Kepemimpinan

Human is khalifatullah. God [of] Existance in the world of and in that man himself must known and recognized. “Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyya... I am Khasanah Tersembunyi, and I wish recognized.” In consequence,: 1. As [the] God proxy, human must acts as the same manner as God act. 2. Human must adopts godlike qualities and mengaktualisasikannya. 3. Human [is] obliged to balances. Because only human that have quality sentralitas, totality, and kekhalifahan, until God image can be reflected fully. At God, whole that God characteristic is unity that not differentiate. At cosmos, God characteristics attends in kemajemukan that separated. Only at human of God quality is referred [as] attend in two ways, until human becomes important medium reality. (Human pulalah that have the potency of damage balance between God and cosmos)

Whole qualities important ilahiah was in mengemban leadership duty is referred [as] only can be adopted and balanced pass by recitation.

Recitation Itu Mencerdaskan

“With (mention) your God name Who Create, He has created mankind from blood clod. , and all merciful Tuhanmulah Yang, that teach (mankind) by the instrumentality of kalam”. (Al Alaq)

This Verse invites human to think in integrated, and that only can be conducted by mention God name. Read that mengkomposisi repeated last realita memaknainya (Quraish Shihab), berkontemplasi and mengiterasi (Yusuf Ali). Human is created from low blood clod, but Rabb mentions human in term ‘mankind’, creature pembelajar, not basyar (creature biologis) or nas (creature that follow psychological motivation). Iqra’ in the context of this is the invitation berkontemplasi.

“That God light sky and earth. Imagery of God light like a hole that not penetrate, that in it there is big pelita. That Pelita [in] in glass, and that glass as if star that sparkle pearly, that flamed with oil from tree that much benedictions its, that is olive tree that grow not beside east or west, that its oil just on the verge of enlighten although untouched fire. Light above light. God guides to its light who He desire. God makes imageries for human, and all knowing God everything” (An Nur: 35)

(That Glass not glows, but can become medium and transmit God light as star. Pelita symbolises God, glass portrays human which was in full blast, and olive menyimbolkan heart of men that believe.)

Light above light. Multidimensi that Reality, getting higher (or in) a dimension, more and more its information content. At its height, highest reality (or inmost) is solid reality information, reality that load everything. In sinilah cosmical intellegence relevant, because cosmical intellegence relates to reality multidimensi.

God guides to its light who He desire. That means, Allahlah that send us at our capacities the very top, Allahlah that open unlimited knowledge door. “I granted one who application prayed when he/she memanggilKu. Then shall that they fulfill all my command and believe to me, in order to they reside in in [the] truth/knowledge/kecendekiaan (rusydi)” (Al Baqarah:186)

Nature has the character of holografis, as well as human brain. Brain holografis haves remarkable capacities. If hologram can keep information as high as 10 billion beets in one cubic centimeter, in average, human brain for the width of universe, because as long as life its, human brain can keep information [of] counted ± 2,8x1020 beet. Verse An Nur:35 above also implies a the working of holografis either at nature or at human brain.

Model Kesadaran Holografik Keith Floyd: In approach neurofisiologi, brain is now believed as [the] optic system that process bio-pancaran light (bioluminescence). Brain is “awareness [screen/sail]”, as plate organic holografik that process reconstruct various of perception and pictures three dimensions. Paduan between gland under brain, thalamus, hypothalamus, and small organ at backbone is awareness legitimate stage. Small Organ at backbone referred [as] compiled by sensitive network to stimulate light. Small Organ is referred [as] occupy middle dot center energy field neural, location the happening of light luminescence that considered as awareness [screen/sail].

But in order to our brain works in holografis, we must access Singularitas (tauhid, transient phase), reach cosmical intellegence. Question, how reach Singularitas?

“Ber-muraqabahlah you with your God that Maha Perkasa and Most High, when you alone and also reside in middle bustle. And make your sight as if see it. If you not see it, He is that melihatmu.” (K.H.A. Shohibulwafa Tadjul ‘Arifin, Miftahus Shuduur, 1970)

Recitation and Kinerja

Recitation mount Singularitas will improve behavior quality, among others: productivity, effectivity, and efficiency. Behaviors is referred [as] is main principles in the context of management. Recitation menginspirasi people to esteem time and conduct anything as well as possible, until he/she will always apply efficiency principle and effectivity.

“And we heighten your recitation. Because in fact after that difficulty there is amenity, real after that difficulty there is amenity. Then if you (from something business), seriously (business) other, and only to Tuhanmulah shall you hope.” (Al Insyirah)

“Shall every it-self concerned about what he was doing for morrow day, and bertakwalah to Allah, real all knowing God whaddya do.” (Al Hasyr:18)

Godly that means beware in the context of implementation, with concerned about consistency and quality assurance, until competent for made an audit of by God.

“And please find-out at what have been bestowed God to you (bliss) hereafter country, and janganlah you forget your part from (enjoyment) earthly and (to others) as the same manner as God has did a kindness to you, and janganlah you do damage in (face) earth. In fact God frown upons people that do damage”. (Al Qashash:77)

“Better from last day is profit (, equal to last day is lossy, and worse than last day is fatal (...”

Relation/link between Kualitas Mindset and Kinerja:

Mindset Biasa: “Strong I” Mindset Plus: “God Maha Kuat and without distance with me”

Level Gagasan It is at management level mindset or auto hypnosis, because ‘I’ have the character of local that contain limitation. “God Maha Kuat, also Maha Dekat”. This Statement it is at level belief, mindset, till biologis, until have ability me-recode DNA.

Level Infrastruktur There is span of lokalitas, so as its difficulty level abundant, mindset are referred [as] become [be] killed. (For example, bravery in experiencing war in Timtim, has not yet guaranteed existence of bravery in common in experiencing war Iraq). Its influence has the character of permanent and consistence. (Have bravery that consistence in face of problem [in] one weight at all)

Level Implementasi Emerge feel ‘pride’ that can neglect and drop. There is warning system from control system that its management tersentralisasikan in God Spot, cover: system biologis (neural, seluler, and electromagnetic), system mindset, and system belief.

Do base values that is not universal. To do best in all points, with its character: by the name of God, God strength and for God. Everything of religious service value (have universal value).